
Growing in Faith and Love

Like all individuals in our community, our heart is to see women strengthened and encouraged in their discipleship to Jesus. Our heart is to see this happen in the context of community, where they are equipped to know Jesus more deeply, are becoming like Him and are living lives that make Him known to the world around them.

There are no weekly gatherings for women, as our heart here at Dayspring is to see our community growing together in the context of community through our Table Communities, Huddles, Rhythms & Foundation classes and other teaching and community gatherings. We do however value and recognise the need for unique spaces for women to gather together, and so there are a number of scheduled events throughout the year. Look out for information about how to connect in to these gatherings as they are advertised alongside our other events. 

1 John Study

Here we are at the beginning of what we hope will be an experience that not only encourages you in your study of God's word but one that will hopefully encourage you to grow and strengthen you in your faith in whatever season of life you find yourself in right now.

There is such a hunger for God's word in our community. A hunger not just to receive and hear good teaching but to grow in our ability to learn how to read and interpret and apply the word of God. To see it activated and bearing fruit in our lives, in our families, in all aspects of our lives.

Join us as we take a deeper look at 1 John with some of the women at Dayspring. We will be looking at how we’re called to love this world & challenged to look at our own lives & how we’re living it out.