
Community Prayer Rhythms

Here at Dayspring, prayer is an intrinsic part of our lives and our discipleship to Jesus. It is a way we meet with Him, talk with Him, and hear from Him. It is how we are changed by Him and it’s how we stand with, and on the behalf of our community and nation to see His Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

 If you would like to be part of our communal rhythms of prayer use the tabs below to find out more. If you are looking for healing prayer go to our Healing page.

Engaging in Prayer

Our prayer room was set up in 2023, and came from our desire to create a space where anyone from our community could come and spend time in quiet prayer with God. 

The opening hours are from 10am - 4pm, Wednesdays and Thursdays. There is no booking required, you can just come along. 

 The room can be used by groups as a place to pray together and by individuals wanting quiet time with God. We just ask you to be respectful of each other as it is a shared space. 

 If you or your group wish to use the prayer room at a time outside of opening hours, you can send an inquiry to: 

Every Sunday night from 5-6pm, we gather for corporate prayer for our community, families, city and nation. The second Sunday of every month, we gather to worship and pray in the upstairs conference room, and all other Sundays we will gather in our prayer room.

 To confirm dates and times, head to our What's On page

Throughout the year we gather in other ways to pray and seek God together, such as prayer walks, 24/7 prayer events and subject specific prayer gatherings. For details about these events keep an eye on our What's On page


If you have any questions, come and speak to us as the Hub on Sunday or email us. We'll be happy to help.