Grace Practices

The Way of Jesus

Each week for our "The Way of Jesus" series we released content to help us go deeper into the teaching and to train ourselves towards godliness.

We encourage you to watch the message first. Then to help you ground these practices in your life, watch the dig deeper videos and download the study and activities.

Week 1 - Introduction 

Watch the Message

Our senior Leaders Aaron & Kristen kick off our new series "The Way of Jesus" reminding us all of the need for us to remain engaged & authentic as we grow into the image of Christ and live the life of resilient disciples.

Dig Deeper
Pastors Aaron & Kristen let us in on a key ingredient needed over the next 12 weeks and give us 3 questions to ask...

1. Where am I in my journey of being formed into the likeness of Christ?
2. What parts of my life look more like Jesus now compared to the beginning of the year?
3. What parts of my life is the Holy Spirit asking me to focus on in allowing Christ to be formed within me?

Week 2 - Silence & Solitude

Watch the Message
Continuing with our series on The Way of Jesus we take a look at our first "grace practice" of Silence and Solitude. With the noise of the world around us only increasing this counter-cultural practice helps us to resist the noise and stay connected and present to God, ourselves and the world around us.

Dig Deeper
Watch the teaching clip above and then download this week's study to dig deeper and put silence & solitude into practice.

Week 3 - The Practice of Prayer

Watch the Message
Ps Aaron continues our series on "The Way of Jesus" looking at the practice of prayer. The call of every disciple is not just to pray but to become the prayers we pray. Prayer frees us from self-sufficiency and connects us to the heart of the Father and to His mission to bring the rule & reign of heaven here on earth.

Dig Deeper
As we dig deeper into the practice of prayer we encourage you to watch this short clip above and then download our prayer activities for the week.

Week 4 - The Practice of Listening 

Watch the Message
Ps Aaron continues with week 4 of our series "The Way of Jesus". This week we are looking at the practice of listening. We look at the importance of listening in the life of disciple but also what it actually means to listen and how we go about tuning into the voice of God in our lives.

Dig Deeper
For this weeks practice of listening, watch the teaching clip above and then download our study and activity for the week.

Week 5 - The Practice of Worship

Watch the Message
This week Ps Russell Bradley speaks into "The Way of Jesus" looking at the practice of worship in our lives and how it forms us into the image of Christ.

Dig Deeper
For this week watch this short teaching clip to engage deeper into the practice of worship.

Week 6 - The Practice of Generosity

Watch the Message
Ps Adam continues with week 6 of our series "The Way of Jesus". This week we are looking at the practice of generosity. We look at the generous nature of our Father and how we as His sons & daughters are called to be generous just like Him.

Dig Deeper
For this weeks practice of generosity, watch the teaching clip above and then download our study and activity for the week.

Week 7 - The Practice of Celebration

Watch the Message
In week 7 of our "The Way of Jesus" series we look at the grace practice of "Celebration". Jesus' whole life and ministry was framed by celebration & joy and we see this all throughout the gospels. Jesus also promises His disciples that they have access to His joy so that our joy may be full. But how do we access this joy and allow it to bring strength into our lives? That's what the practice of celebration is all about.

Dig Deeper
Watch this short clip to see how you can practice celebration and release the power of joy in your life.

Week 8 - Fellowship

Watch the Message
In week 8 of our "The Way of Jesus" series we look at the grace practice of "Fellowship". From the life of Jesus we learn both the importance and power of doing life together.

Dig Deeper
For this weeks practice of fellowship, watch the teaching clip above and then download our study and activity for the week.

Week 9 - A Life of Simplicity

Watch the Message
Ps Adam speaks on the power of simplicity. Jesus instructs us to "seek first the kingdom and His righteousness", letting us in on the power of living a focused life. Simplicity is key to living our lives as followers of Jesus.

Week 10 - Transformed by His Word

Watch the Message
In week 10 of our "The Way of Jesus" series Ps Aaron looks at the practice of study. The disciples said to Jesus, "where else would we go, You have the words of life". The word of God is life giving and life transforming. This week we are looking at the importance of the Word of God in our lives, how we are to approach it, some of the challenges we have when it comes to understanding it and applying it, but also the power that lies within it to bring life and transformation.

Dig Deeper
For this weeks practice of "the Word", watch the teaching clip above and then download our study and activity for the week.