Safe Church
Safe Church Policy
Dayspring Church is committed to actively ensuring that every person attending the church feels safe. Our heart is to provide an environment in which all people, and particularly children and vulnerable people, are safe and protected from harm.
We are committed to establishing and maintaining safe ministry practices that show appropriate duty of care while providing freedom for the Holy Spirit to minister.
We are committed to complying with relevant legislation including the Child Safe Standards and ensuring up to date policies and training of volunteers and staff.
All staff, leaders and volunteers undergo Dayspring recruitment, screening and selection processes. A Working with Children Check (WWCC) is required for all volunteers, staff and leaders of Dayspring who are engaged in child related work. All Dayspring Church staff and volunteers are trained in Safe Ministry Foundations, Safe Church Policy, Commitment to Providing a Safe Environment, WHS and Risk Management.
Dayspring Safe Church Team
Dayspring has a team dedicated to handle child protection matters and matters relating to volunteer and church member conduct.
The Safe Church Team's role is to:
- Receive and process the Safe Church Report.
- Ensure that all cases of suspected abuse or misconduct are reported and investigated appropriately.
- Discuss and evaluate action needed, including Mandatory Reporting
- Report concerns to the Dayspring Church board, NSW Police, Department of Communities and Justice, Office of the Children’s Guardian, any organisation retained by Dayspring to provide insurance relating to child protection and volunteers, and any other relevant authority.
- Oversee Ministering to People of Concern Policy and decision making process relating to people who have allegations, convictions in their past relating to sexual misconduct and abuse or people who have been reported in a Safe Church Report.
- Oversee Dayspring Church’s participation in the National Redress Scheme.
- Review and update Dayspring Church policies and procedures relating to child protection and volunteer training and conduct from time to time.
Volunteer Safe Church Resources
For all volunteer Safe Church resources including the Staff leaders and volunteers manual click the button below
Contact Our Team for Support
Please contact the Safe Church Team in relation to any questions or concerns at