I'm New


We welcome you to come along on a Sunday. We can appreciate that it can feel daunting visiting a new church. It can take time to feel at home in a new community. Our heart is to be a welcoming Community but not one that over imposes so we won't call if you prefer text :) But we would love to meet you and in time, get to know you and hear about your life. As you enter our building we have our 'Hub' which is located under the stairs in the main hallway where you will find someone from our team and be able to ask them any questions you may have or find out more information about what's on and ways you can connect in. If they don't have the answer they will be able to connect you with someone who does.

We encourage you to take this first step in coming along for the first time and we also encourage you to do it a few more times to really get a sense of who we are and if this is a Church community you can call home.


If you are new to Dayspring and want to find out more about connecting into the life of this community, you can join us at our next Foundations course. Foundations run every few months, on a Sunday here at church after the Sunday morning service. There is opportunity to share a meal together, meet like minded people who are also seeking to connect into Dayspring life and we as a team create space to speak to you about our heart for Table Communities and other ways to connect in and get to know us.

If you would like to attend our next Foundations course, click Register for Foundations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome Home!

Jesus is not only the kindest person you have ever met He is also the most beautiful, powerful and wise. We would love to help you get to know Him more. 

Click the button below to connect with one of our Pastors.

We are located at 15 Salisbury Rd Castle Hill. There is plenty of parking in our carpark as well as on the street.

We are 16 minutes walk from the Hills Showground Metro Station (located at the corner of Carrington Road and Doran Drive)

If you are traveling from a distance for an event there are plenty of accommodation options within walking distance. 

9:30am. If you arrive a few minutes early to you can enjoy a coffee or tea (free for first time visitors) and a chat in our sun lit cafe. 

The service typically finishes at 11:30am however our people have been known to hang around connecting with each other well after that.

You will find a group of people who are seeking to know Jesus and make Him known through their daily lives.

We talk about Jesus in our services. We aim to understand His teachings and how they can transform our everyday lives, relationships and impact our city. This happens as we invite the Holy Spirit to speak through our time in worship, the preaching and teaching of the Bible, partaking in communion, and allowing spaces to hear from God.

We begin our service in worship together with music starting at 9:30am then you will hear an encouraging and applicable message from the Bible by our rotation of local and visiting pastors and speakers. There will be a short break in between worship and the message to give us an opportunity to connect with each other. After the message the service will come to an end at approximately 11:30am where there will be space given for anyone needing prayer and more time to connect with one another.

There is no dress code and no expectation for you to know anything about Christianity before you attend – we readily welcome all and have a great team and community to help you feel at home.

Yes. We provide spaces for Mums with bubs (newborns - 18mths) and for parents to be with active toddlers that need a bit more room to make noise and move. 

An Active Toddlers room dedicated to parents with children who are needing space to play and be active and parents can watch the livestream on a TV. 

We provide Kids Church programs for Toddlers (18 months to 3 years), Kinders (3 years old till Kindergarten) and primary age (years 1 t0 6 at school).

Our Youth Group gathers on a Friday night 6:30 - 9PM during school terms to connect with one another and engage with God.

To see more details visit our Kids and Youth pages. 

To the left of the main entrance we have a Quiet and Calm room. This is a space for those of us who need a calm space to go to when feeling overwhelmed, overstimulated or a needing a quieter level of sound during the service.
It's a space for people to still enjoy the worship and the message but at a much quieter level. 
There is a TV with the live feed of the service as well as nooks and items for quiet and gentle activity to help those needing to find calm.

Please note, this is not a staffed area and there is no program run during the service. Children need to be supervised by parents or guardians at all times.

Our DSKids team are committed to creating an inclusive and safe environment for all children. While our team, which is largely made up of volunteers, will do their very best to support children in engaging with our programs in a way that feels comfortable and welcoming for them, it's important to note that our leaders and staff may not have formal training in supporting children with special needs. Nonetheless, we are continuously working to improve and adapt our approach to better serve all children.

If you are coming along this Sunday and you have any special needs or considerations which we might need to accommodate ahead of time, feel free to contact us earlier in the week at 


Yes. We have:
  • Healing Encounters is on Tuesday fortnightly
  • Our Prayer Room is open from 10am to 4pm, Wednesdays and Thursdays
  • Hands & Feet is on Thursday afternoon fortnightly
  • Youth meets weekly on Friday nights
  • Table Communities meet fortnightly. Different groups meet on different days during the week.
  • Other events like Movies for Missions on a Friday night and Church Picnics on Sunday afternoons. 

For more details visit our What's On and Discipleship Groups pages.

Or sign up to our What's On email to get the details in your inbox.
 Head to the the bottom of this page to sign up.

There is no dress code and no expectation for you to know anything about Christianity before you attend – we readily welcome all and have a great team and community to help you feel at home.

We have a lot of opportunities to get connected.
Visit our What's On page for details on social events, courses, and more.

Join a Group

Jesus did life with the multitude, the 12 and the 3. We approach discipleship the same way. Church on Sunday is our multitude, Table Communities are our 12 and Huddles are our 3.

For more information on how to get connected with a group visit our Discipleship Groups page 

Join a Team

When we serve together, we not only contribute to something bigger than ourselves, we also find genuine connections with people with similar passions.

For more information on serving in a team visit our Serve page

If you are new to Dayspring and want to find out more about connecting into the life of this community, you can join us at our next Foundations course. Foundations run every few months, on a Sunday here at church after the Sunday morning service. There is opportunity to share a meal together, meet like minded people who are also seeking to connect into Dayspring life and we as a team create space to speak to you about our heart for Table Communities and other ways to connect in and get to know us.

If you would like to attend our next Foundations course, click Register for Foundations.

Let us know you're coming

Fill out the form below to get connected with us.
We look forward to meeting you!


If you have any other questions, come and speak to us as the Hub on Sunday or email us. We'll be happy to help. 
