
Growing in Faith & Fun

At DSKids, our mission is to disciple children in the ways of Jesus. Our heart is for each child to encounter Jesus, to be empowered by His grace and to grow into all He has created them to be. We believe that at every age, children can know Him personally and can follow Him in all of His ways.

Sunday Programs 

A quiet room is available at the back of the main auditorium that's dedicated to parents with very young children (ie. newborns - 18mths). This room is for feeding, settling and changing very young children and is equipped with a change table, nappies and a sound proof window so parents can watch the service in comfort.

An Active Toddlers room next to the quiet room is dedicated to parents with children who are needing space to play and be active. This is a self-service room, where toddlers can play and parents can watch the livestream on a TV. 

Toddlers is an early childhood program, catering for ages 18 months to 3 years. Each week Toddlers will participate in the program through songs, bible stories, morning tea and group play. Parents are welcome to stay with their child but we encourage the goal of transitioning your child into the program without the need for a parent to stay. If your child needs a nappy change or to be escorted to the toilet, we will message you and ask you to come and assist your child.

Check-in is at 9:00am at the entry to the Theatre, next to the stairs in the foyer. 

*Please bring a labeled water bottle.

Kinders is a preschool style program, catering for ages 3 years old till Kindergarten. Kinders start their morning with play, receive teaching based on that week’s bible story, are provided with morning tea and complete a craft to reinforce that week’s teaching. Each week Kinders will participate in worship through family worship or through joining with our primary aged program for their worship time.

Check-in is at 9:00am on the mezzanine, up the stairs in the foyer. 

*Please bring a labeled water bottle.

1-6 is our primary age based program, catering for children in years 1 to 6 at school. Each week 1-6 kicks off with hang time activities which focus on building relationship through play, high energy whole group games, praise and worship, bible teaching and small groups. On the first Sunday of every month kids stay with their families during worship in the main service, 1-6 begins on these Sundays after Family Worship.

Check-in is at 9:00am at the entry to the Theatre, next to the stairs in the foyer. 

Safety and Security 

Keeping children safe is our primary focus. At Dayspring we have planned a smooth, organised and efficient children’s check-in and pick-up process to give parents and guardians a feeling of confidence that their children are safe in the care of competent and diligent people.

For more information refer to our Safe Church Policy