We Support

We love to support those that are being the
hands and feet of Jesus in the world.


Serving South East Asia with Iris Ministries

Our heart is to bring the light of God into the darkest places, and be the hands and feet of Jesus to the 'least of these'. It is our honour and joy to daily walk alongside orphans, widows, drug addicts, and other marginalised communities, sharing the gospel and discipling them, while seeing their lives transformed by the radical love of our Father. 

If you would like to partner with us, we are seeking prayer partners and intercessors to cover our family, and those we walk alongside within our community. As our family grows, our financial and practical needs on the field are also increasing, if you feel the Lord leading you to be a financial supporter or prayer partner, we'd love to connect with you.


Serving Germany and Africa with Follow Him Ministries

We desire to love and know Jesus personally, it’s from this place that God has called us to lead people to Jesus through Evangelistic campaigns where we directly share the simple gospel message. We are currently working in Germany and across Africa. 

 You can support us in prayer for our family and ministry life to connect smoothly, and that God would build the right team of people around us, who share our calling. 

Please consider helping us finically as we plan to hold more outreach events this year.  


Serving America with Unfailing Grace Ministries

When we moved to America we felt God was encouraging us to bring the reality of living in Grace, to share what it means to live in the tangible presence of God. 

While America has a strong Christian heritage, the reality is often indifference, at times hostility or a strongly religious approach to God.

Since living in Texas, we have been able to come alongside several churches, a church plant and developing ministries to bring wisdom, counsel and Holy Spirit impartation to groups who are unable financially to ask for help.

Your prayers and financial support continue to be the means of releasing freedom and Holy Spirit presence into surprising places.
We are very grateful for and treasure our DaySpring heritage.

Thank you for your generous love, support and for keeping us part of the DaySpring family

How You Can Pray


Thank you for your support


If you have any questions, come and speak to us as the Hub on Sunday or email us. We'll be happy to help. 
