
Together, becoming like Christ

Jesus did life with the multitude, the 12 and the 3.
We approach discipleship the same way.
Church on Sunday is our multitude,
Table Communities are our 12
and Huddles are our 3.

Table Communities

Whilst culture leads us into patterns of individualism and self-serving, the gospel of Jesus invites us as His followers into communion with one another. Table Communities are the place we learn the life of Jesus, and practice the way of Jesus together through the week. They are a place to gather around a table, share a meal together, engaging with His Word, in prayer and in community.

We believe that Church is not a building or weekend activity, but a community of people pursuing to live out the Gospel in our everyday lives. Table Communities offers this opportunity of deeper connection as we gather around the table to connect with one another every fortnight, dig into the word and pray for one another. We believe committing to connecting with one another in this way is key to becoming more like Jesus, to live like Him, and make Him known to the world around us.

Things to know about Table Communities:
  • They are led by leaders from our church community who are equipped and supported in their roles.
  • Each group has 8 – 12 people (depending on the group)
  • These will include a meal around the table (this can be desert), testimony, prayer, Sunday message application, and encouragement
  • They will have intakes as a new group begins or spaces become available. Intakes will include a questionnaire to help members begin the journey well.
  • Groups will gather for a fortnightly rhythm with one social night every two months to help build connection.

If you are new to Dayspring and want to find out more about connecting into the life of this community, you can join us at our next Foundations course. Foundations run every few months, on a Sunday here at church after the Sunday morning service. There is opportunity to share a meal together, meet like minded people who are also seeking to connect into Dayspring life and we as a team create space to speak to you about our heart for Table Communities and other ways to connect in and get to know us.

If you would like to attend our next Foundations course, click Register for Foundations.

If you have completed the foundations course or have been a long term member of Dayspring, you can enquire about availability in our current or upcoming groups by clicking register to join a table community.

For broader ways to connect with community at Dayspring see all upcoming events by visiting our What's On page


Our heart at Dayspring is to make mature disciples who know Jesus and live to make him known. Disciples are not just people who believe in Jesus, but follow the way of Jesus. While there are many ways we can facilitate discipleship, we believe that formation happens best in the context of a small group.

A Huddle is made up of 3-5 people of the same gender (ideally) and typically, similar age.

The goal in gathering is to strengthen relationship with one another and have regular conversations that push us to grow to become more like Jesus.

As a Huddle we recommend you meet fortnightly and make space to engage in things that will facilitate our growth as followers of Jesus. This could look like praying together, reading and studying the Bible together, engaging in conversation about how our faith is outworked in particular situations we might be facing etc.

If you would like some assistance in joining a Huddle, you can join us at the Foundations course. Foundations runs every few months, on a Sunday for 3 weeks here at church after the Sunday morning service. There is opportunity to eat amazing food, meet like minded people who are also seeking to connect into Dayspring life and we as a team create space to speak to you about our heart for Huddles and equip you with tools to have a great Huddle experience together.

If you would like to attend our next Foundations course, please click on the link below.

If you have organised yourself into a Huddle, great! We want to know who's in your Huddle so we can support you in different ways. Please fill out the Register your huddle form below.

Dig Deep

To receive recourses to help you dig deeper into each weeks message, including group discussion questions, sign up to our weekly Dig Deep email.  


If you have any questions, come and speak to us as the Hub on Sunday or email us. We'll be happy to help. 
