Together, becoming like Christ
Jesus did life with the multitude, the 12 and the 3.
We approach discipleship the same way.
Church on Sunday is our multitude,
Table Communities are our 12
and Huddles are our 3.
Table Communities
Whilst culture leads us into patterns of individualism and self-serving, the gospel of Jesus invites us as His followers into communion with one another. Table Communities are the place we learn the life of Jesus, and practice the way of Jesus together through the week. They are a place to gather around a table, share a meal together, engaging with His Word, in prayer and in community.
Our heart at Dayspring is to make mature disciples who know Jesus and live to make him known. Disciples are not just people who believe in Jesus, but follow the way of Jesus. While there are many ways we can facilitate discipleship, we believe that formation happens best in the context of a small group.
Dig Deep
To receive recourses to help you dig deeper into each weeks message, including group discussion questions, sign up to our weekly Dig Deep email.
If you have any questions, come and speak to us as the Hub on Sunday or email us. We'll be happy to help.